
Type and antetype
Type and antetype

type and antetype

Typology is not the same as predictive prophecy, but nor is it simply the recognition of coincidences. Another view is that the OT type predicts a fulfilling antitype to come. Thus his leading of people out of their captivity to sin and death shows some similarities to his leading of Israel out of captivity in Egypt.

type and antetype

One view is that God acts in the NT in ways patterned by his actions in the OT. The nature of the anticipation can be variously understood.

type and antetype

In broad terms, typology rests upon the recognition that the way God spoke and acted in the OT was a preparation for and anticipation of the definitive word and act of God in Christ. The typological principles applied by von Hofmann thus included the unity of salvation-history and the interpretation of individual events as part of the whole history (p. as aiming at their final goal, and thus as being of the same nature as the goal, though also shaped by their particular place in history. Hence the events recorded therein are to be interpreted teleologically, i.e.

#Type and antetype full#

The history recorded in the OT is the history of salvation as it proceeds towards its full realization. The connection was recognized by von Hofmann in his Biblische Hermeneutik (Noerdlingen, 1880 ET, Interpreting the Bible, p. The salvation-history approach is closely related to the revived interest in typology as a way of understanding the inner theological structures of the Bible.

Type and antetype